
health, hope, uncategorised, words

There are two types of people in the world. Two sides, when the lines are drawn and we reveal our essence. There are those for whom social distancing has an element of relief, for whom a quieter life, small gatherings have a majesty and truth. A calmness maybe, that is as part of who they […]

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Limping to the finish…

family & parenting, health, uncategorised

This isn’t an arthritis blog. Or one pushing my book. It is the moment I cracked up about the inadequate metaphors we all live by. When this whole shebang – by which I mean *gestures all about* all of this shit – started earlier this year, one particular metaphor was touted around quite a bit. […]

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Yee-haw! PMSL in the USA. I shout about it but also consider the cost of memoir & talking about difficult subjects on some amazing podcasts recently

birth, babies, bodies, breastfeeding, books, depression, feminism, health, incontinence, patient, shame

Confession time. I never thought anyone would buy my book, and I certainly didn’t realise I would get the opportunity to tell my story all around the world. Today is a strange, beautiful and amazing day. PMSL starts her journey in America. Look, you can buy here here at Barnes&Noble who I’ve only heard about […]

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Sometimes it’s the little things that mean the most.

feminism, health, hope, incontinence

Some taboos have deeper taboos hiding inside them. And some tampons are far more embarassing than other tampons. Writing my piss and tell memoir PMSL taught me a lot about taboo and how it impacts on our relationships with other people and ourselves. This device, that you could hide in your hand, was one of […]

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Tick Tock

family & parenting

I was going to write a letter to my son on starting school and Oh, my little one, there is so very much to say. About how wonderful you are and how my dreams for you reach high and wide (in that I know your strengths and gifts and delicious potential). And then how they, […]

23rd September 2011

No windows to see our London…

family & parenting

So as Spider-boy’s first day of school approaches I have a lot planned. In my usual overdrive I am very keen to have some fun with him, to enjoy our last hurrah of Mummy and Spider-boy time. We hatched a plan: to go riding on an open-topped bus tour of London. It’s hard to tell […]

18th September 2011

Feeling Feisty


Standing outside my office last week, as the rain started again and large splotches threatened to soak me, I felt a bit like a victim of the world. Not a martyr to the summer that nearly but never was, but a twotime loser. I have curly hair, and a crutch (again). I looked to the […]

5th September 2011

Bad births

birth, babies, bodies, breastfeeding, depression

I know lots of pregnant women right now. I am so excited for all of them. Squealing, practically, for a couple. In that face-achey, find yourself smiling at nothing, can tell your eyes are sparkling, could well-up in a sympathetic hormonal fug for them way you do when someone, or several someones, who you love […]

16th August 2011

I rescript a riot

family & parenting

So Spider-boy has some questions. Several questions. He’s been at nursery, he’s had the radio on, he’s overheard us talking to friends and relatives. He’s wise enough to save the first couple of questions until I am trying to shut the front door after our guests have left while gingerly edging his sleeping brother to […]

10th August 2011



My faith in my city is strong, and my doubt in her is only a flicker. Like the occasionally blue flashing lights which catch a reflection on the street across my own and splashes onto my lounge window. If I stand in my back garden tonight the sirens are still surround sound. If we stand […]

7th August 2011

They’re Learning

family & parenting

Life and movies don’t always collide. Although I suspect anyone who claims never to have imagined themselves in a pop video whilst rammed into the back of the family car on some endless sweaty holiday journey is probably lying. We’ve all done it, melted our world into a movie in our head, in my case […]

2nd August 2011

A Bad Fit


Fashion. She’s my nemesis. I like clothes and I used to like clothes shopping. At least I think I used to like clothes shopping and have fond memories of trying things on in Miss Selfridges and the indie shops in Leicester when I was a teen. They are mainly memories of a couple of seasons […]

1st August 2011

Split seconds

family & parenting

A lot can happen in a second. So the phone rings, when I am in my office. ‘Is that Spider-boy’s mother?’ says a voice I don’t know. She has used his full name and her tone is neutral. I pause. Just for a second. Catching a bit of breath in the back of my throat. […]

26th July 2011