family & parenting

This post is a bit late, I’ve missed the rush of blogs and features on SATS and school reports and the start of the holidays. It has been in the air though – exam and test results and that dreaded social impetus which is the humble brag.

27th July 2014


family & parenting

Spider-boy has been shorn. A quick trim to curtail the curls tickling his eyes became a short back and sides. In a sitcom moment I both showered him in compliments and kisses whilst mouthing to thathusband: ‘What have you done to my baby?’. He looks sweet. And grown up (therein lies perhaps part of my […]

2nd November 2011

Comic Timing

family & parenting

Last week, in a mad dash to get to school on time (among many other pretentious goals I’ve set myself I’m now grappling with the task of being a new person, an ‘on time’ person, when it comes to school), we got our timings wrong. So wrong that we arrived to the unpopulated playground. I […]

4th October 2011

No windows to see our London…

family & parenting

So as Spider-boy’s first day of school approaches I have a lot planned. In my usual overdrive I am very keen to have some fun with him, to enjoy our last hurrah of Mummy and Spider-boy time. We hatched a plan: to go riding on an open-topped bus tour of London. It’s hard to tell […]

18th September 2011

Split seconds

family & parenting

A lot can happen in a second. So the phone rings, when I am in my office. ‘Is that Spider-boy’s mother?’ says a voice I don’t know. She has used his full name and her tone is neutral. I pause. Just for a second. Catching a bit of breath in the back of my throat. […]

26th July 2011

Life. School. Update. 2

family & parenting

Bestfriend, she of many previous wise words and catcher of tears, has embraced positive thinking about schoolgate-gate. She arrived with her family for pizzas and plastic car games in the garden last night. As our kids frolicked in the evening sun I realised she was toting a bottle of Champagne. Why? To celebrate getting into […]

7th April 2011

Life. School. Update

family & parenting

Spider-boy has a place, and for that in our over subscribed borough we have decided to be grateful. A place at the school closest to his house, which might not be one of the darlings of schooling folk lore but looks safe, and normal, and colourful and fun. Phew. For all my waxing lyrical, and […]

4th April 2011

Life. School.


So D-day is upon us and we find out today where Spider-boy goes to school. And the likelihood is he will go to a school that on paper is quite poor sounding, but in reality, well, has nice classrooms a good vibe, kids who like it there and is the school nearest his house. I’ve […]

4th April 2011