In Memoriam – Part I

family & parenting

I’m interested, if not an expert, on how we use photography and social media and how it influences our lives and in my case both my experience of (and presentation to the world) of my parenting. Above is a picture I took a few months ago. I kept it on my phone despite feeling very […]

30th June 2012

The hunt for the perfect cardigan


Josie writes a blog, called ‘sleep is for the weak’. On it she has a writing workshop which I gingerly read and occasionally toy with entering posts to. My reticence is a remnant of the 6th form – all hanging at the back not feeling cool enough with my still too shiny DMs, my embarrassing […]

27th June 2011

Life. School.


So D-day is upon us and we find out today where Spider-boy goes to school. And the likelihood is he will go to a school that on paper is quite poor sounding, but in reality, well, has nice classrooms a good vibe, kids who like it there and is the school nearest his house. I’ve […]

4th April 2011