Either that tea towel goes or I do…

depression, hope

When Spider-boy was little he didn’t smile a lot. I used to think, in the dead of night, it was my fault for not smiling enough when he was tiny, a dread fear that I’d broken him by crying too much on my maternity leave. I’ve been persuaded he just had a bit of ‘tude, […]

15th March 2011

Lucky Stars

depression, hope

I realise I’ve posted a good bit about remembering – remembering the good and remembering the bad. I saw my Mum this week and she told me that memories faze and fade, and that everyone with larger families, or older children, has melded memories and has forgotten much of the minutiae of early family life. […]

20th February 2011

Packing Light


Well, yesterday’s post which (I hope) contained a lot of adulation for my baby and the noises he makes was savagely beaten with the irony stick when he ‘spoke’ to us. A lot. Through the medium of crying and screaming. In the manner of a colic ridden newborn. He howled, and shouted, and mithered, and […]

13th February 2011

What Goes Around, Comes Around…


Advice for weaning has changed since I had my first lad. Back then, in 2007, weaning before six months was, if not a cardinal sin, certainly not something easily discussed or admitted amongst the chattering NCT classes (of which I am, predictably, a member). The advice was half way through the first year. I waited, […]

27th January 2011